You can now add photos, stickers, and washi tape to your penbooks. This was by far our most-requested feature – well, the photos, anyway; no one asked for washi tape, but you know what they say, a customer will ask for a faster horse (i.e., photos) when what they really need is a car (i.e., washi tape).
We reorganized Penbook’s right-hand toolbar to make room for all this fun stuff. From the top:
The photo icon inserts an image from your clipboard, your device’s photos, or Penbook’s built-in stickers
The tape dispenser inserts washi tapes, which you can stretch and rotate
The squiggle is where the scratchpad now lives
The stack icon lets you reposition, rotate, resize, and delete the objects you’ve inserted
Alright, now it’s back to the code mines. It’s a tough living (not really), but someone’s got to do it (not really).
See ya later illustrator,
Team Penbook
Could you also make it possible to share the entire notebook or at least an option to choose wich pages to share??