Hello again! Penbook 2.1 is live today. It comes with three new features we think you’ll love: Magic Keyboard support, a really nice yearly planning paper, and a new screen for choosing stationery:

For Magic Keyboard users, the new keyboard shortcuts will really speed you up. On any screen, just press and hold ⌘ to see the full list. A few to get you going:
⌘ shift ← / → to quickly move between the home slate, the book slate, and the page slate
⌘ Z / ⌘ shift Z to undo/redo
⌘ I to quickly pull up the template picker
← / → to change pages in your penbook, and ⌘ N to make a new page.
With the Magic Keyboard’s trackpad, you’ll notice gentle hover effects on most of Penbook’s controls, and context menus where appropriate.
(Don’t worry, the Magic Keyboard features also work with Muggle keyboards and pointing devices.)
We’ve added a yearly stationery for long-range planning, like shift scheduling, project timelines, and other things that take longer than one month. Here’s a preview of it. You can line it up based on weekdays or days of the month, and orient it vertically or horizontally. It makes a great family calendar.
The new stationery picker will serve the app better as we shove in even more stationery. It gives more breathing room to each paper type, so complex papers with lots of options are easier to configure. To get the best experience, make sure you’re on iPadOS 13.4 or later.
Oh, also! We made some shirts. You can get them from Cotton Bureau here, priced at our cost. We designed them for ourselves, but then realized some of you might be geeky enough to want one too. Available in Light Mode and Dark Mode.

That’s it for now!
Team Penbook