Are you a Penbook user in Victoria or Vancouver, BC? If so, I’d like to meet you in person so I can watch how you use Penbook. The format will be casual:
we’ll meet at a coffee shop you choose (I’m buying)
I’ll ask you some questions about Penbook while I watch you use it on your iPad
I’ll record audio of our conversation and take notes
it’ll take 30-45 minutes
I’ll pay you $50 ($CAD, of course)
Does that sound a bit weird and awkward? Yes. But lately, I’ve spent more time coding Penbook than using it, and that means I have to imagine how you wonderful people actually use it, which is taxing. I’d rather just ask you face-to-face.
If you’d like to participate, please contact me from your iPad through the 💬Get Support link in the app, under 👤Account. (You’ll get an automated reply, but don’t worry, I’ll still see your message.)
Hope to see you soon! And if you’re nowhere near Victoria or Vancouver, sorry for bothering you.
Team Penbook
Portugal has a great coffee too! ;)
I wish I were in Victoria, BC. However, if you find yourself in Santa Fe, NM, please let me know; I’ll buy *you* coffee!